Inventory zero warning

@lubos hope you consider this as it will make work easier for many.

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This option of Zero inventory Worning is one of the most wanted preference and ever waited. Please @lubos, this is urgently required by a lot of users while others are making this option a Must Have one.

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how you can do this ?

how you can do this idea ?

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@ABDME2003, as with your other recent post, you are asking for information about a suggested new feature that does not exist. Topics in the ideas category are only suggestions.

Its very important feature, requested by Many users but still missing. @lubos please consider it


Can you please navigate where add this feature in manager sir.?

It is in the forum Ideas category to be discussed as a possible feature and therefore does not exist.

This is the best suggestion - to show a display about zero qty warning.

It would be a warning while on the GO.


Why would that be the best? There are many alternative options to create alerts, some much less intrusive than this one. Whatever will be implemented is up to the Developer but the idea for out of stock alerts is a good one and I hope that work is done on it even though we mostly use other inventory apps as part of POS systems we agree this is an issue for those that use Manager inventory and appeal to @Lubos to finish the improve the inventory management system with this.

@eko , ok, let me revise my comments. Let us say, one of the best

That said, however, we all agree on a platform about some sort of indication display for stock quantity without inhibiting the present ability to make entries regardless of stock quantity.

Needless to mention this to @lubos who, being an outstanding developer, would be well aware of the need to add this that would greatly assist users.

That is why it is in the ideas group, but not necessarily because we all agree but for discussion. Your suggestion was one input and your modification is a good one.

On 16 June 2024, @lubos has discussed this very feature.

“If you are using minimal stock levels feature where you can set desired quantity for each inventory item, then…”

Just found out where the Minimal Stock Levels feature is.

It is labelled Reorder Point, and it is within each inventory item which we create.
Just need to click on it and enter the Qty desired.

But even after entering the Qty desired, nothing happens when that Qty is reached or goes below. Anyone know how the Reorder Point notifies us?

Hi, everyone.

Why qty is a useful idea next to an item is that it saves a lot of time. There is no need to make an extra column it only has to appear next to the item in the dropdown as can be seen in the screenshot I took. If the qty shows you can complete your work, else you have to check the inventory self.
Screenshot from 2024-08-16 15-34-54

It helps when you create items in manufacturing, it helps when invoicing, helps when you place orders.

Every time go to the inventory to see if you have stock or when you manufacturing stock to see if there is enough inventory on hand is handy to see, else you have to double-check the inventory, which is an unnecessary waste of time.

Most of the accounting software I worked with before has it.

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This can easily be done by copying the Edit Column and checking all inventory options and copy to clip board to Excel in two minutes

You can also add a custom feild in inventory item showing re order point and copy clip board to excel to calculate whatever you want

Why are you responding to me, @Promo_Brick3? I have not made a substantive post to this ancient topic in a long, long time—before many current features were introduced to the program.

sorry i thought this may help others

Re-order point doesn’t need to be custom field. There is a field named Qty desired on inventory item which is then used to calculate Qty to order figure.

Then you can easily see all inventory items that need to be ordered and how much.

This is an older topic and Manager has evolved a lot to address this issue. Manager has now extensive list of columns to track all kinds of quantities.


The only reason I’m keeping this topic in ideas is because Manager still needs ability to show current balances while doing data entry. But Manager can already calculate the figures on another screen.