India's New GST Invoice Format

This is not what others are saying. For example @sharpdrivetek had his CA to confirm tax amounts are not required to be shown on individual line items.

Ok, let me confirm that with our CA. If it is acceptable, then everything is just fantastic.

What @ravikonila mentioned was as per his invoice in a separate line the total of CGST 12% and CGST 9% should be shown as CGST and the total of SGST 12% and SGST 9% as SGST. I had explained this to you previously. No matter what the rate of tax is, all CGST rates falls under the same umbrella CGST and similarly all SGST or IGST or UTGST.

Yes it is doing it. You can insert in Inbuilt tax codes for ease of access.

Yes, You Right… IGST is Sum of CGST and SGST
Sales Within State = CGST + SGST
Sales Outside State = IGST

By this Method… If we assume 12% GST then
if the goods sales within State = 6% CGST + 6% SGST
If the goods Sales outside State = 12% IGST will be implemented…

Sample Photo
In Above Sample Photo there are one thing wrong… that…
In Item No. 1 there are Implemented IGST 18%
in Item No. 2 there are Implemented CGST 15% and SGST 3% = IGST18%
In same invoice this two differences is not possible…
As Photo, Supplier and Buyer both are from same State so there are only CGST + SGST = IGST implemented….

And Now I want to be on Main Requirement by Manager team is…Shown In bellow Photo with highlighter.

Need Amount Total of CGST 12% + CGST 9% = 3360 + 1800 = 5160 Rs. and as same Amount Total of SGST 12% + SGST 9%.

Bellow Image for understand TOTAL of CGST and SGST Individual… Right-now manager dose not have this type of capability… or Right-now we can not put any mathematical Formulas into Template for Sum of tax amount.

IGST is NOT sum of CGST and SGST. The image is wrong. For simplicity we can mention GST as sum of CGST and SGST. I apologize for sending the image in the first place. I am removing it now.

I just Know this One thing About Manager that… It has this Capacity inbuilt…
Check The bellow Image…

As we see, Sum Available in Manager… then Did we still need anything eles for INDIA’s GST Invoice??? Anything Still Remain??

IGST is Sum of CGST and SGST.

For your Information… Please Check Bellow Video…
Its in Hindi Language.

I think you have mistaken! IGST is not the sum of CGST & SGST.
Let’s look at the earlier scenario. We had CST and VAT. When the goods moved from State A to State B, then CST was applicable. Goods moving with State is under VAT.
Here the name has changed, thats it!
CST is related to IGST and VAT to CGST+SGST.
Slab rate remains same. When the goods move within the state, the rate is divided equally between CGST & SGST. When it is moved to another state, the slab rate in total is charged under IGST.

can you show me how you have set the tax codes?

I just to tell one thing… that…
Just Think on GST… NOT CGST, SGST & IGST…
If 12% GST Slab Goods Sales within same State … = CGST + SGST
if 12% GST Slab Goods Sales outside State then… = IGST

Your Answer is as bellow… GST 12% and GST 18%

The way you have set the tax codes is clever, without the tax rate under Code for easy identification.

But as per the invoice rules received, the rate of tax applied for every line item needs to be mentioned which is CGST @ 6% and SGST @ 6%. Atleast it was showing as a total previously in Manager. This is not shown anywhere in the invoice now. Only GST 12% is shown whereas the acceptable taxes codes are IGST, CGST, SGST and UTGST.

Also, if there is a necessity to generate tax reports of CGST and SGST under different rates separately this will cause problem.

@anoopchintu @ShubSingh39 please give your suggestions regarding this.

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Then Can we done like bellow Image…

But I need one Update On Tax Report & Tax Transactions From @lubos And manager Team…
That In Reports…
Right now Its Just Shown Total Tax paid. As you can see it in bellow Image…

I need If there are multi Tax then Tax Amount will display Separately … For Easy Calculation and understanding.

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We are ready with the invoice format (special thanks to you @sharpdrivetek) and we have decided not to break our head by exploring too much on Google, with many versions of opinion available. Filing of returns like GSTR1 etc, will be outside MANAGER anyways (for now! and I feel Manager will be able to handle this too, in future). My suggestion would be, not to pressurize the development team, and request them just to give us the Tax Transaction Report with multiple tax code details shown separately, which will be of great help in reconciliation.
Till now, we have been getting worried on this GST implementation and discussed a lot. This was the case when VAT was introduced in 2005 and few states opted to stay out, but finally accepted. I know many business men, both small and medium, who were breaking their heads then, but they are now fine with current VAT system. I am sure, we will learn many new things in the coming days and we will be really happy to see that there is not much of confusion in GST and we are really ready, apart from increased work load in filing.
This is just personal view… and I have stopped worrying about GST, but geared up to face it, the way it comes!


I’m closing this topic. My latest guidance on Indian’s GST is here:

We can continue discussion in this new topic.

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