Importing Business Files

Post the snippet, please. It also appears you may have permission issues with the G drive.

That’s the one thing I hoped you wouldn’t do as locating files with changes them but that’s to late now - you just needed to search for any .manager files on the G drive.

I 'm left to guess what your application path within Manager now looks like, so you are left with copying that Nov 2017 file to the C drive folder “C:\users[name]\app data\local\manager” and re-importing it.

Perhaps no damage was done, @rbgdevelopment. If all you did was click Add Business and navigated to the G drive, but did not actually import the business into Manager on your new computer, nothing was changed.

Please be very precise about exactly what you did.

When I tried to find a way to “see” a file windows must need a program because all I get is search and Tut was trying to explain how they are different (again over my head) but as I see w/ Tuts reply I did not open I just saw they were there and snipped. I am going to open in email so I can attach the snippet

Sorry I screwed up again and reposted the post via email

To post an image on the forum, click on the 16 AM symbol above the composing pane. Click Choose File in the window that appears and navigate to the image. Then click Upload.

Thanks for the image, though. Here’s what you should try next:

On the new computer, launch Manager. If what you’ve told us is complete, you will see a Businesses tab with no businesses listed. Click Add Business and navigate to the G drive folder that you sent the contents of. Do it the same way as before. Select the file b564437… last modified on 11/6/2017. Click Import Business.

The business represented by that file should now appear on the Businesses page. It may be named with the alphanumeric soup, or it might have an actual business name. Regardless, click on it to open it and determine whether that is your latest good data. If it is, tell us what business name appears, both at the top of the window when the business is open and on the Businesses page when it is not. Leave the business open and don’t do anything else.

If that business is not your latest data, go back to the Businesses page and click Remove Business and follow through the process of removing it. Then work your way through the other files in the G drive folder in identical fashion.

When you have found your good data, STOP. Leave Manager open on the good data and let us know what the business name says. We’ll go from there.

Great News! When I followed your instructions and opened b564437… it opened and I have the correct number of clients etc. It came up alphabet soup b564437b-f74e-475b-805c-0ae6fd4694d4 which shows at both the business line and top of window page. If I select a report it shows alpha soup. I am hesitant to close business to check, just in case. Manager is open.

Great! This is your data. See, I told you it wasn’t gone. :grinning:

The alphabet soup name is because you imported a data file created by an old version. (I can tell that because it has hyphens in it. So what you want to do next is click on Rename. Give this business whatever name you want it to show as within the program.

If you want, we can quit there. But I recommend going a little further, because all those other files on the G drive are now useless. And you have many files on your C drive that you don’t want around to confuse things in the future. So here is what you do:

  1. Navigate back to the folder on G drive where all the Manager stuff is. Do not use the Manager program to do this. Use Windows File Explorer. Move the entire folder to your C drive. You can leave it on your desktop for now. Rename it something recognizable, such as Manager Junk.

  2. Open Manager and, in your just-renamed business, make an entry. This can be any kind of transaction. You are going to delete it shortly.

  3. Navigate with File Explorer to the application data folder on your C drive shown under Preferences. Look for the most recently modified file. It will alphabet soup, but probably not the same alphabet soup as what you just found, and definitely should not have hyphens in it. This is your new, restructured data file, reflecting all program updates since you last updated your software. Don’t touch this file, just note which one it is.

  4. Find a file 00000000000000000000000000000000.manager. This is the current index file that tells the program you have one business loaded up and ready to go. Don’t touch this file.

  5. Move all files in the C drive application data folder besides the current data file (step #3) and the index file (step #4) to Manager Junk, wherever you put that folder.

  6. Close and reopen the Manager program. It should send you to the Businesses page with your one, renamed business. Open that business and make sure everything you want is still there, including that test entry you made at step #2. As long as everything is there, all is well. If not, get back to me.

  7. Assuming all is well, delete the test entry from step #2. You are done.

Technically, you should now be able to delete the Manager Junk folder and everything in it. Everything there is either in an obsolete data format or left over from all the businesses I had you Remove from your new version of Manager (the ones that weren’t your good data). But just to be safe, keep it for a few days until you have really explored your good business file and made sure everything is there that you want. You can delete the junk stuff later.

I will follow your advice and post the results so that you and future users can take advantage of this info.
Cannot thank you enough

Don’t bother posting anything for future users. The Guide I linked to in my first post in this topic already explains it all.