Importing bank statement

I just updated to new version , while importing Description and Reference column merge in one column,

Before it use to be merge with as Transaction - Reference

now it is merge as Reference Description

Please if anyone can help?

From which version? From your report it looks to be a long time ago. Why did you update when the version you worked with was meeting your needs?

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Had raised this earlier, check out the link below. The developer says that the changes are intentional. I now do a bulk update after importing the bank statement to fix the problem. - It is possible to revert back to this version

Yes it is possible.

Manager has a Github page where all versions of manager are stored for download.
The oldest one there is a 2022 Version.
Here is a link to that page
The link will take you straight to the page where that version is located.
It is the sixth one down.

Irrespective of what @Manager_User showed as far as downloading and installing an older version.once your data was used by your new version there is no way back. The only exception is if you made as recommended regular backups and thus kept an import business that is ok with the older version.