Still trying to wrap my head around this.
So all our old “Qty on hand”, “Qty to deliver” and “Qty to receive” was correct. The news ones are a mess.
It seems like there are a few things I need to do with our old transaction to get it right.
Maybe this has been addressed before but the reports still use the old system? We use the “Inventory qty by location” for our monthly stock takes and all those numbers are correct (as per the old system).
I’m just not sure what to do in order to get our 597 inventory items that are all correct as per the old system to be correct for the new one.
Is there a new report that can be used?
Sales invoices
We have a lot of them where there is no inventory location. I think this is something that changed, and for the longest time this didn’t have any implication (only the delivery note had implication) so a lot of our invoices have no location filled in.
Before October 2022 we only had 1 inventory location.
We have about 7,000 sales invoices. All invoices from now back to 2022 October needs to be changed to be from the new location. All the ones from before 2022 October needs to be changed to the old location.
Even after that there will be some discrepancies and without a summary it will be hard to rectify.
Purchase orders
Before purchase order had no effect on “Qty on hand” or “Qty to receive”, but now they do.
Solution then is to delete all purchase orders that are not active and to check purchase invoices that might not have a purchase order and if there is non, create one.
Qty to deliver
Before it only used Sales invoice and Delivery notes. Now it uses Sales orders and delivery notes. So I should create a sales order for everyone of our invoices so “qty to deliver” reflects the same numbers as previous system?
Does this make sense? Am I starting to understand?
Thank you in advance.