**HANDICAP** inter Accounts Transfers

so you can do by excel why you use manager?!

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Because Manager does much more than just interaccount transfers. It is a small business accounting system. It has been explained to you why what you want should not be made possible even if it could be because it would allow black/parallel market forex transactions thus lead to illegal practices as a business is supposed to transact with the official forex rates. As mentioned before the current options are the most realistic and accurate ones. This is my last response to this topic.

Because it does so much more than a spreadsheet program. If you really cannot see the advantages, a spreadsheet application will probably meet your needs.

@BOSS4, you cannot have substitute “theoretical” exchange rate for actual cleared rates since these will depend on the spot rate given by your bank which is know to you immediately, not standard exchange rates.

Standard rates should only apply when you do not know the exchange rates – as in the case of accrual transaction that have not yet been realized in cash such as Invoices, Notes and Journal Entries.

However, in the case of realized transactions like Receipts, Payments and Inter Account Transfers, the exchange rate is implied by the actual currency amounts changing hands – otherwise, you will not be able to balance your bank reconciliation without using questionable plug figures.

The suggestion you were given by @eko, @Joe91 is the solution to your problem: import bank both statements and your amounts will always be correct.

BTW, the concept of standard exchange rates have been entirely dropped from all types of accrual transactions in Manager recently, so I don’t believe that it will be back for Inter Account Transfers.

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