Please can you add QR Code for Receipts and Payments
QR Code for Receipts and Payments
Paid by
Mode of receipt
Mode of payment
@fobi I realised you created custom fields called “Mode of Receipts” and “Mode of Payment”. I don’t think it is appropriate. If you will enter custom fields, kindly enter the ones which are generally required by users. Organisations can enter their own custom fields to suit their needs.
QR code is not legally required in Ghana but we would be happy to have it on Sales invoices, Receipts and credit notes.
These tax codes have been entered for Ghana.
I thought of adding a modified Code for Tourism Enterprises (VAT18.5% + Tourism Levy 1%) and communications service providers (VAT18.5% + CST 5%) but I don’t think we should have many tax codes there. Over 90% of the organisations likely to use Manager in Ghana will be okay with the codes we have there now and besides tax rates frequently change in Ghana.
That’s not a problem. I think they should be there but marked as Inactive
. This means when someone needs it, they can simply make it active rather than trying to figure out how to create one from scratch.
I will add them back. There will be a budget reading in a few days time. Tax rates are going to be changed, introduced or removed so we will wait a bit before we conclude our tax codes for localisation.
@Abeiku there will be always some impending change to something. I don’t think we should be waiting for anything because nothing will be set in the stone forever anyway.
This is actually good test to see how future-proof and resilient localization model actually is. It should handle changes in legislation gracefully. So if there is any impending change, we should still implement localization as it is now. And then when change is passed, update localization which will serve as a good test to see how the model handles very common scenario which will be coming up perpetually.
Tax codes and report transformations have been created and published for Ghana.
Shouldn’t we reverse signs on purchase amounts?
There is pseudo reporting category called Reverse signs
which will multiply these amounts by -1
It has been done.
Great. Thanks.
I don’t think we should be using Monthly
prefix on reports.
The reason is that reports can be generated for whatever period. So they are more like “worksheets”. Other than that - I do not see any issues.
All corrected.
Good morning to you all. I am new forum member and started using Manager 2 years ago.
@Abeiku. A client of ours is exempted from NHIL and GETFund for VAT 18.5% sales. How do i adjust the current 18.5% sales tax code set up to get the correct values for NHIL, GET Fund & Covid-19 return report.
I thank you
Never heard of a person exempted from some component of the tax. It either total exemption or no exemption.
You can create your own tax code to add to the list of tax codes.
Never edit tax codes. If there are changes, make it inactive and create a new one for use.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Add support for opening and closing balances
Addition of two new tax codes to replace “VAT 18.5% Purchases (Imports)”.
Import VAT is applied on imports and paid directly to the Revenue Authority and not the supplier, so we need two tax codes to streamline things.
Tax code 1 (VAT 12.5% Tax Base) will be used to declare the tax base for imports on the tax return form. This will be a zero-rated tax code for the purpose of capturing and reporting the value used as a tax base for the computation of import tax, levies, and duty.
Tax code 2 (VAT 12.5% Import) will be used for the purpose of recording and showing the tax amount on imports on the return form. This will be a pass-through tax for the purpose of recording the import tax charge.
Let’s assume an importer imported an item costing GHS 100000. Included are shipping insurance and freight charges
Import Tax code 1
(Assumption: all the cost of the line items were paid to one )
The first tax code (Tax code 1) will be used for the purchase transaction but because it is a zero-rated tax code it will only pick up the tax base values for the tax return and impose no tax. VAT is charged on CIF + duty. CIF means Cost, Insurance, and Freight. The Pass-through tax (Tax Code 2) will then be used to record the VAT charge when the tax authorities send the bill.
Import Tax Code 2
Return form
This method is better than the present method in that it accurately reflects the details of the import transaction and does not necessitate any adjustments to keep the books clean. The Value of taxable input is 110,000 because Duty is added to CIF before VAT 12.5% (effectively 13.25%) is applied.
Paying with foreign currency for imports.
For those who wanted to know how to get the right Cedi figures on your tax return when filing returns, Always remember to enter the customs office given exchange rate as a new exchange rate in Manager for the day of the transaction, then input the transaction invoice. Manager will use that rate to value the transaction in local currency and accurately report it on the tax return/reports.