Drop down list not working in line

I m using drop down list in custom fields efficiently since long.
Now I see drop down list option in line itmes i.e sales invoice. When I start using drop down list option in line custom fields it is not working in line items fields.

Please advice some one.

ps version 21.9.25

I don’t think the drop down list ever worked in line item custom fields

See here Drop Down List not Working in Line Items

please do not misguide other users by stating you have been using it effciently for long.
you simply copy pasted the contents from another thread which by coincidence @Joe91 has linked in the above post.

as explained in the other thread and by @Joe91 here, this feature was never working although you can configure it as dropdown list.

sorry but i have the same issue

this is not an issue. issue is when something is not working as intended.
this feature was never implemented in Manager but you can expect it probably in the near future.
