Division Settings For Restricted Users (hide Division from restricted users)

Sorry maybe I didn’t explain things well, I don’t mean the bank account permission settings should be repeated here.

The Dimension category will have only 3 items on the list

  • Locations
  • Divisions
  • Tax Codes (possibly)

Locations and Divisions under Settings in the user permission list give or restrict access to the Master records for Locations and Divisions.

The Location and Divisions under Dimensions will help restrict access to Locations and Divisions on transactions forms.

I Just want to say that
User permissions as Similar in cash and bank accounts simply to be implemented for all other tabs.

Was this ever implemented, I have several branches and I need to restrict some user to transactions about their location.

It will be taken out from the ideas category if it gets implemented

Alright, noted. Hopefully it will be implemented soon.

Thank you.

Any Update regarding this ?!

If there were an update, it would be announced in this topic and the topic would no longer be in ideas.

I know, since this is still in “Ideas” it means it hasn’t got implemented yet, but no harm in showing one more time, from one more user, how important this is.

We have a business of several sales reps. each responsible for a list of ~200 customers, and we would like to use the cloud version to only show customers’ list per rep. (predefined)

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10 hours ago @Lubos posted at https://forum.manager.io/t/added-ability-to-merge-receipts-and-payments-into-inter-account-transfers/53220/9:

Nothing yet.

Read reply by @Tut (post 27) above: