Depreciation Work Sheet Bug


I have been working on manager software and I have noticed an error or bug the depreciation calculation worksheet.

When recalcul the depreciation, the entries should be ZERO the calculation, but instead, they are showing as PLUS figures. This discrepancy is causing a mismatch between the closing balance the fixed assets report and the closing balance of fixed assets in the balance sheet.

see image:

Please take a look and clarify.


Can you confirm which version you are currently using?

Appologies for the late reply as for long leave.

Current version that we are using is :


I am using the latest version of Manager (


The Difference column shows the “Recalculated Depreciation + Deprecation Entries” result. It should be “Recalculated Depreciation - Deprecation Entries”, so the difference will have a zero result. I think that is the problem.

What’s that screen shot of ?

Please show the full screen

It’s the Depreciation Calculation Worksheet, from the Report Menu.

What does the ‘Fixed Asset Summary’ report show? It should give you the correct values.
My calculation sheet has the same results as yours, but my summary shows zero on fully depreciated assets and correct values on others.

The ‘Fixed Asset Summary’ report is fine. It displays the correct values. However, I believe that the ‘Difference’ result in the ‘Depreciation Calculation Worksheet’ should not be the result of an addition between Recalculated Depreciation and Depreciation Entries. Instead, it should use a subtraction formula to provide the correct ‘Difference’ result.

I have added a comment to this thread to include additional information to address the issue faced by @emi_brown and to provide the developer with more example cases. The image URL provided by @emi_brown is also broken. Therefore, I have included a screenshot from my end. Additionally, the Depreciation Calculation Worksheet also helps me verify whether my input for Depreciation Entries is correct. I hope the developer can take a look at this issue. :blush:

I’ve just dug deeper into mine (one asset in particular over five years) and it seems the ‘Difference’ column is the last written down value, the ‘Depreciation Value’ is subtracted from that to give you the new ‘Recalculated Depreciation’ value.
Swapping the order of the colums to D - DV - RD would make more sense to me.

From what I understand the Recalculated Depreciation value is automatically generated by the Depreciation Calculation Worksheet, which serves as a reference for making Depreciation Entries. I follow the procedure outlined in the guide “Calculate Depreciation Automatically” when entering Depreciation Entries. While the columns in the Depreciation Calculation Worksheet may differ from those in the guide, I believe the worksheet functions similarly. I am uncertain about the version that begins the worksheet with the same columns as the recent version. However, before displaying the “Difference” column value as shown in my screenshot, it indicates the difference between the system-generated Recalculated Depreciation and the value we input when making Depreciation Entries. For instance, if I input the Depreciation Entries value that matches the value in the worksheet, “D” is the result of “RD minus DE (RD-DE)”. This could be demonstrated as follows:

RD = 1,000
DE = 1,000
D = 0

RD = 1,000
DE = 900
D = 100

RD = 1,000
DE = 1,100
D = -100

I think this approach makes more sense to me.

The recalculated figures and the depreciated entry figures are adding instead of subtracting. Could this be a bug? I am on cloud version

I commented about this since version here too.