Calculation of VAT on the purchase invoices

Hi I have a question about the calculation of VAT on the purchase invoices.

The following information I entered:

Subtotal € 79.90
21.00% VAT € 16.77

which should give a total amount of:
Totaling € 96.67

However calculates manager: 96.68.
this is not correct, how can I make sure that the manger make the right calculation?

Thanks for your comments

21% VAT on €79.90 is €16.779 which is rounded to €16.78.

So I think it’s correct what Manager is doing.

hmmm but where is the fault then?
on my invoice from the company i ordered goods its says:

Subtotaal € 79,90
21.00% btw € 16,77
Totaalbedrag € 96,67

The fault is in the accounting system of your supplier.

The way you can solve it is to enter purchase invoice with amounts VAT inclusive. That way you can just enter line total €96,67 and let Manager figure out VAT from this amount.

Another way is to add second line item for 1 cent to adjust total.

hm ok :stuck_out_tongue:
can u help me out how to fix this? i don’t understand what you’re describing.

Your supplier system is set to rounding down so the problem is on their side.
however you can adjust the amount for 1c by adding line on Purchases invoice when create this invoice for any difference.
just look of ADD-LINE when you create the invoice

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thanks for your help! it worked. :smile: great