You should be listing your purchases under Inventory Items not as an individual asset account.
Then when you sell the profit/loss will transfer to the P&L and not remain on the Balance Sheet.
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I need to include the value of my employer’s share, bond and unit trust investments in the balance sheet. These investments are bought or sold fairly regularly. And the prices change daily, though in practice I only normally update the prices when I print a monthly report of their current valuation.
How would you recommend is the best way to record this in Manager? Or would you consider producing a specific investment module?
I’ve read several threads now about how people are using manager to track shares and I’ve started to do this too. I’m only dabbling on a very small scale at the moment and am in the market for short term gains (and hopefully no losses—otherwise, then I’m an investor ;P).
I understand and I think I would prefer to treat them as an asset and the purchase of the shares is easy (except I was conflicted whether to create an expense account for brokerage, or treat it like an inventory item that has a…