Hey, how to allocate money if an employee is taking salary in advance and it should reflect on his account.
And also how to set a date for employee salary payment day?
I mean i give away salary on 2nd of every month so it should automatically show me that i should pay salary to so and so employee , in employees tab?
If you give an employee an advance - call it an advance or loan but not “salary in advance”.
This way you can then establish a repayment schedule to recover the advance/loan against future salary payments. To call it “salary in advance” implies that in a future period no salary is payable and that could have legal implications.
If by “give away” you mean pay then you could use for regular payments Settings - Recurring Payslips
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can you share images brucanna for this???
All you need to do is under Settings
- Chart of Accounts create a BS - Asset account called Staff Advances
- Payslip Items a deduction call - Advance Repayment.
I am unable to that, but still thanks a lot for sorting out some time & replying.
@Austro_Led_Lights : What aren’t you able to do ?
All you need to do is to go to the Settings tab
- select Chart of Accounts and create a BS - Asset account called - Staff Advances
- select Payslip Items and create a Payslip Deduction Item called - Repayments