Adding existing business

Dear all,

I started with manager for one of our new businesses, which was easy because I started from scratch. Now I would like to go one step further - adding the holding company to manager as well. However, there is one issue. The holding was already there (+/- 20 years old). What would be the best way to add an existing business to Manager? I have the balance sheet of 31/12/2018 and P&L but no ledger transactions before 31/12/2018.

The normal method is to keep your old historical records under the previous system. Establish a start date in Manager and set starting balances. See Enter starting balances | Manager. There is no need to enter transactions from before your start date, except for unpaid invoices, as explained in the Guide.

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Thank you, those guides are already helpfull. Quick question, i just entered a new business and the only accounts that shows up is cumulative result. Does that mean i have to go into scheme of accounts and add asset classes myself?

Read the Guide about building a chart of accounts.