Hello again!
Sorry, if I’m using this forum a bit too much, but I need to close my books for the period, and I was reading the guide that’s provided for it, and I’m a bit confused with the following line:
I’m not exactly sure what the necessary adjusting entries are. At the moment, I pass the following (for example for a prepayment) entries manually for each prepayment:
Payment - [Date of Payment]:Expense a/c Dr [full amt], Bank a/c Cr [full amt]
Journal Entry - 31 March: Other receivables a/c Dr [prepaid amt], Expense a/c Cr [prepaid amt]
Journal Entry - 1 April: Expense a/c Dr [prepaid amt], Other receivables a/c Cr [prepaid amt]
Another process I have tried is as follows:
Journal Entry - [Date of Payment]:Expense a/c Dr [amt allocated to current financial year], Other Receivables Dr [prepayment], Creditor a/c Cr [full amt]
Journal Entry - 1 April: Expense a/c Dr [prepaid amt], Other receivables a/c Cr [prepaid amt]
This way, I basically write the whole amt off as an expense at the time of purchase, and then when it comes to close the books (an accounting year end of 31st March), I transfer the amount to an asset a/c. Then, the day after the last day of the year, and thereby after the reports have been generated, I move the prepayment back to the expense a/c so that it can be written off in the new year.
Again, really sorry for the confusing post. Please ask if you need any clarification. TIA!