Suspense problem with quotes

On the the Quotes module, “Suspense” now shows up as a column for each part number. We do not inventory parts and modules already exist for this so I don’t understand why something that worked so well now doesn’t. I need to unistall this update so my software work like it used to.

@Brenda, you seem to contradict yourself in your post. You first say Suspense shows as a column for part numbers. Then you say you do not inventory parts. Please clarify exactly what you are experiencing. “Something that worked well” gives us no idea what is happening to you.

You also say you need to uninstall an update, but you do not say what edition (desktop, server, or cloud) you are using or what version is giving you trouble.

Tell us exactly what you did that produced an unsatisfactory result. Show Edit screens of relevant transactions. Describe why you think whatever you are seeing is wrong.