Sales invoices are back as unpaid when Manager starts the next session

When I use ‘receive money’ and accept the full payment amount and choose cash at bank, the invoice shows the green PAID block at the bottom and correctly subtracts that amount from accounts receivable.
I close manager and open it again and the invoice status has reverted from ‘paid in full’ to ‘due in x days’ and the accounts receivable summary has incremented to the original value.

Try this test. Do the receive money transaction and after that, create some dummy transaction like a journal entry or some dummy customer.

Restart Manager. If invoice is marked again as unpaid, how about dummy journal entry or dummy customer, are they also gone?

Hi Lubos,
Test results:

  1. Created dummy invoice for $1 and then dummy customer.
    Restarted M - Invoice has disappeared but new dummy customer is still there.
    This is a new problem (New sales Invoice now disappears)

  2. Created dummy invoice for $1 and then dummy customer.
    Used receive money everything works as it should invoice is now marked paid in full
    Created second dummy customer
    Restarted M - Invoice has disappeared - dummy customers are still there

  3. Used receive money for existing unpaid invoice.
    Created third dummy customer
    Invoice is marked paid in full
    Restarted M - Invoice has reverted to unpaid and third dummy customer has disappeared

  4. Created new company with one customer and one bank account.
    New sales invoice
    use receive money
    Restarted M - everything works perfectly.

Does this mean a corrupted data file?

@GordonCope, if I understand your sequence correctly, you are “creating” sales invoices before you create the customer to whom they are directed. That doesn’t work. You must create the customer first and select from available list of customers when you create a sales invoice. If you did as you seem to say you did, Manager doesn’t know what to do with the sales invoice, because it wants to debit Accounts receivable. But Accounts receivable is a control account and requires a subaccount (for the customer) in order to process the invoice.

Can you repeat your experiments by creating a dummy customer first and then creating a sales invoice? Likewise, receiving money in payment of an invoice requires that the customer already exist so the payment can be allocated to the correct subaccount.

Because Manager tries to keep all data, I will bet you have a bunch of transactions in Suspense from all these experiments. That is where the program puts transactions it can’t resolve.

Hi Tut, sorry if you misunderstood me, I am an experienced user and the creation of new customers, at Lubos’ request was only to ensure that there was an action between receiving money and restarting Manager. The invoices were always created for existing customers.
Even though I fear the data file is corrupt, I do have a backup pre-dating all these problems so I can restore if necessary.
If you read my last post in that light it will make sense.

OK, I understand now why you did what you did. Unfortunately, I can’t help solve the problem. I would still be curious, though, whether there is anything in the Suspense account resulting from the disappearing transactions. That might help track down the source of the trouble.

I suspect it could be the case. Could you send me this file to I’m quite curious what exactly is going on. The thing is, Manager should be able to detect if there is a data-integrity problem. It shouldn’t just quietly keep going if there is an underlying issue.

Also, can you click About Manager and let me know your version?


Actually, I just realized when you click Backup button, Manager will re-build your accounting file from scratch so if there was a data-integrity issue, it won’t be present in backup file.

You can try to make a backup and then re-import it back into Manager and you shouldn’t experience this issue in imported entity if it was due to data corruption.

So that should fix the issue for you. But I’m still interested to see the original file in which this problem is present. One way to do this is to go to About Manager and see where your data is physically stored on your disk. Then zip the entire folder which you can send to me for further analysis.