Recurring Sales Invoices do not keep prices up-to-date

No, I’m not saying there is a technical reason. I’m saying the entire scheme for batch operations works by modifying a list in a spreadsheet made up of individual rows, with each row being a similar thing, such as a customer or an inventory item. A recurring transaction could include many line items, in addition to all the header information, custom fields, and so forth. So a recurring invoice could not be represented by a row in a spreadsheet. So a completely different concept would be required. Additionally, there could be dozens of preferences for how users might want an automatic update to work. Batch operations are not automatic; they require proactive manipulation of every cell in every row that you want to change. Powerful, but not automatic.

This is still an interesting idea, just not straightforward.

In the changing of the recurring invoices please keep in mind also to add a expiration date of the rule.


See? More things to consider.

A post was split to a new topic: Request for early payment discount on recurring sales invoices