Need some help with square and paypal workflow

this works with the NET amount.


I don’t understand what you mean. My bank rule results in exactly the first row of your statement in post # 7:


this works… no issue.

I agree it’s very close however if you compare a large number of items I suspect you will find about 1/4 the time it differs by 1c. The reason is rounding and the 2.6% is of the gross not the 10c reduced net.

A similar problem occurs when the supplier uses a different rounding scheme to Manager. It’s close but not exact.

The advantage of being exact is it simplifies finding other errors. Importing the fee amount also means users don’t need to understand the maths.

yes, we need a way to be able to import natively so we can minimize errors.

Imo it would be nice to have, increasing ease of use in that area. It is probably not really a strict requirement though as the existing method is usable and accurate enough for management and reporting requirements.

It really depends on how the feature would fit in with other Manager functionality.

IMHO this will give the user more options to choose from, as for my case it will save time, cuz for example right now i have to import two csv files, one with the Gross and another with the Fees, so its time consuming, no to mention that when i imported my bank transactions I also need to delete using batch delete the bank transactions that was already imported into the other account to prevent double transactions and so i can use the inter transfer.

Inter account transfer workflow efficiency is a different topic covered by a thread in ideas see Ability to convert two transactions to a Inter Account Transfer

This is offtopic, but I have posted another question about the format of stripe csv report, (How to properly import stripe transactions into manager - #2 by Joe91) but it got closed I believe by @eko as he assumed it was the same thing as this post, but it’s a different topic.
In my case, I don’t use Stripe that often, but I was thinking of treating it as a bank account in Manager, however, the csv format they use is quite weird. see example.

Once again, i was just wondering if someone else here uses stripe, as I find the csv report needing more than usual modifications to be able to import into manager.

Sorry, flagged this as off-topic but it fits here. Although you now added a date column there is nothing really different from the posts in this thread that are all about how to deal with some additional information especially “fee” such as your earlier post in this thread that deals with Gross, Fee and Net, which is similar to Amount, Fee and Net. You may not have liked the answers nor the process and want to revive this discussion but why would you expect different answers for the same problem you already discussed?
Also note that I did not close the other topic but @Tut on my advise.

because is different in my opinion, if you or anyone else uses Stripe, notice how the table is present.
In the first row, I made a sale of $425 minus the $3.4 fee, this is correct and easy to import with manager, the issue is that since Stripe has different fees when using invoicing, it then charges another fee in this case $2.13, then the Gross amount goes to -$421.6 then there is a charge for Invoicing of -2.13 which is placed in the gross amount column? So I was wondering how you guys work with this.