Manager will not record US Dollars with decimal point

@lubos, is this problem related to the fact that @DigitalServices is trying to make an unallowed transaction by purchasing something via a journal entry (to say nothing of the entry being unbalanced)? Is the transaction being dumped to Suspense prior to updating?

@Tut, no the problem is that his Windows computer is configured to use , (comma) as decimal separator.

@DigitalServices, go to

This will show you how to access your number/currency formats on your Windows computer. You will see somewhere there “comma” is set as your decimal separator.

No, @DigitalServices, they are not in US format. We know you think they are, but they are clearly not.

Take a look at the Date field on the last screenshot you posted. It says 06-08-2016. Unless you had the foresight to create that screenshot in June, you have your date format set to DD-MM-YYYY, which is not the US format. According to the clock in your Windows system tray on the lower right, you are displaying time in 24-hour format, which is also not the US format. @Lubos is very likely correct that you have your Windows decimal separator set to the comma instead of the period.

Please post screenshots as requested above of the date and number preferences in Manager (Preferences > Date and number) and also of the Windows regional settings relevant to numbers and currency (Control Panel > Region and Language > Formats > Additional Settings > Numbers and ... > Additional Settings > Currency).

While you’re at it, please do the following: Open a blank worksheet in Excel. It must be a brand-new workbook, not an existing one. Type $13.35 in the first cell and hit enter. Then type $13,35 in the next cell (with a comma instead of a period) and hit enter. Make sure to include the $ sign in both entries, and don’t put in any spaces. Also make sure the column width is wider than the contents (widen it if you need to). Post a screenshot of the results. One of the cells will automatically right-justify itself, and the other one will remain left-justified. The one that is right-justified is being recognized by Windows as a currency, while the one that remains left-justified is being recognized as general text: If $13.35 is right-justified (ie, recognized as currency) and $13,35 is left-justified (ie, recognized as general text) as in the screenshot below, then Windows is set properly and the problem must be in Manager’s settings. If, on the other hand, $13.35 is left-justified and $13,35 is right-justified, then Windows is configured with non-US settings.

This result implies that Windows
is set for US regional format for
numbers and currency.

One more test you can try is to enter an amount in Manager using a comma instead of a period. Try entering thirteen dollars and thirty-five cents as 13,35 (with a comma). After you enter the transaction, does that come up as $13,35 or as $1,335? If the former, then you have non-US decimal separators configured somewhere. If the latter, then the problem is elsewhere. Try it the other way around, then. Here’s what happens if Windows is configured to use the comma decimal separator and I type 13.35 on the first line and 13,35 on the second line. Notice how the 13.35 is interpreted as one thousand three hundred thirty-five (formatted as 1.335 here) and the 13,35 is interpreted as thirteen decimal thirty-five:

This is what happens when Windows is
configured for France regional settings
instead of US settings, even if Manager
is set to US date/number format.

If this is the result you get, then you now know where your problem is and where you can go to fix it. Post screenshots as requested, and many of us will be more than happy to help.