You keep repeating this factually incorrect statement even though time after time you have been continually corrected - but don’t take my word, refer to GST Worksheet not reflecting correctly started by another user. Their opening post:
"I have been using Manager desktop version 15.0.68 for some time. I get recipient created invoice where there are three items mainly. Most of the income is GST free with a small amount of Income with GST. The client deducts his Service Fees + GST and remits the balance to my Bank account. I have been using Bank receipts . . . .
This worked fine with the correct amounts reflecting in the GST Calculation Worksheet at the respective labels."
That is, for the past 5 years the user has been entering their Recipient Created Invoices as a SINGLE cash transaction and have had the Worksheet reflect everything correctly. They DID NOT have to resort to splitting their transaction into separate Sales & Purchase Invoices. They then go on to say:
“However, when I started to use the current version 20.8.1, it adds the Income with GST and Service Fee (one being Sale and the other being Purchase - in GST terminology) and reflects the Net (a -ve figure in this case) at label G6. Also the G1 Label, which is the Total income, shows incorrect figures.”
That is, after the update the Recipient Created Invoices could NO LONGER be entered as a single cash transaction, if you wanted the Worksheet to reflect correctly. Refer to posts #4 & #5 of that topic is see the before and after impacts of the model change on the Worksheet.
Take special note that the Worksheet in post #5 is just a re-write of the Worksheet in post #4, that is, the re-write was solely due to the changes in “models”, programme update, no user action occurred.
For myself, up to Ver 20.6.nn I also could enter all Recipient Created Invoices as a single transaction.

Other users have been entering entities as suppliers and customers, then creating a sales and purchase invoice for similar transactions. I see no reason a Manager enhancement should exclude them.
Don’t know where this is coming from as no Manager enhancement has ever attempted to exclude them. They can continue to function that way without any impact or restriction. It’s the users who were using the single transaction who are now impacted and EXCLUDED from doing their previous data entry.

This is exactly what you have recommended users with a work flow different to you should do
There is a significant difference between having a different workflow from other users to being forced to have the same workflow as other users - hence the “Manager is now dictating”

I disagree the accounting software should have no say,
Then you are in conflict with all other major accounting software, but more importantly with Lubos who in post #6 of this topic stated “Most likely I’m going to abandon Manager trying to determine whether tax amount is a sale or purchase” so it becomes User determination only.