Invoice Look and print settings

Dear Lubos,

Hello !
I must say you are putting in a lot of effort in troubleshooting to make the software better.

I need your help to make the invoice output closer to what need.
Please see if you can…

I need 3 alterations.

1: Invoice should print towards the right side of paper. There must be approx 1" space on left.

2: My name must appear on the right side after bill ends, to sign off.

3: There should be an option to add jpeg images ( of designs done ) after the end of the bill. 3 columns 2 rows.

I understand you have important tasks at hand, but i am not familiar with any of the coding languages
and i was this close to printing the invoice when i saw the print preview and was stumped !

Please help !
Is you pay and customise service started? it could be a great thing if that’s possible.