Inventory Data

I am (very) new to Manager and am trying to set up a business. The data in the spreadsheet that I downloaded is not consistent with the Inventory Guide. I tried to upload a test file but it dose not populate the quantity or some other fields. Would someone please check my descriptions below and help with the missing ones. Thank you.

|Code| - Item Code
|Name| - Item Name
|Description| - Item Description
|UnitName| - ( Optional?)
|PurchasePrice| - Cost of item * I think total not unit cost
|SalePrice| - Sales Price
|TaxCode| - Is item taxable True / False T/F
|StartingBalanceCost| -
|Inactive| - Is itm active T/F
|ExpenseAccount| -|
|CustomExpenseAccount| -
|TrackingCode| -
|IncomeAccount| -
|CustomIncomeAccount| -
|ControlAccount| -
|StartingBalanceQuantities.InventoryLocation| - Location of item (ie., Home)
|StartingBalanceQuantities.Qty| - Number of items available