I Can't Restore My Backup

Hey there,
Have been using this software for past 2 years and been really great.

I just buy new computer for my work and want to migrate everything to the new one.
But it seems my backup data can’t be restored.
Have tried it many times, re-installing and stuff, but still can’t open.
Any help?

I just make an account to ask this question.
Thanks, Yordi

@FXYordi - I have deleted private information from this thread.

What Manager version were you using on the old computer ?
What Manager version are you using on the new computer ?
What is the name of the backup file you are trying to restore ?

Hi @Brucanna
Thanks for answering…

I just reinstall the harddisk, i don’t remember the manager.io version on the last PC…
But in the new one, it’s the latest version, just downloaded it today…

Same filename, same directory, just different manager.io client…
Any solution for the version matter? Can i get the older version of manager.io to make backup file compatible?

Please provide specific details
What is the name of the backup file you are trying to restore ?

Are you using “Add Business - Import Backup” ?

Not if you can’t remember your past version, as no one knows what version you require.

Hi @Brucanna

The backup name is “PT. REMAJA SUKSES INDONESIA.manager”
Yes, I’m using Add Business - Import Backup"

What I remember is the first time I download this software is around early 2015.
And Manager.io don’t have ‘auto update’ feature, so I don’t think it’s upgraded to newer version.
It must be from the early 2015 version.

Can you help with that?


Send your backup to bugs@manager.io to see if the issue can be reproduced.

I just sent the backup file to bugs@manager.io
So does it mean different version can’t restore older version of backup file?
Thanks Lubos.


Yes, but only if the versions are to far apart. Version 15 can’t be imported into Version 17 as that is now two years out of date.