History lost options which have other tables


After the update to 21.7.16 version, history tab lost buttons on the end like “Copy to Clipboard”, “Batch PDF” and others. I know, that I can export the data from SQLite database (*.manager file), but many non-technical people used that one option.

I’m wondering what do you use these features for in the context of History. Unfortunately, History, Attachments and Emails work differently from other screens so any feature on these 3 screens will need to be implemented separately.

A convenient option would be [Copy to clipboard].
Just today I found out that a user had recently added non-stock items. To find out which items they were, the ability to export the data to, say, Excel (using Copy to clipboard] would be very handy.
In Excel you can then use the filter function to quickly find out which items were added.


A normal user would not usually have access to the Settings tab ?

In this case, the normal user is the owner of the business. Both administration and enterprise are small in size. Separation of functions is possible only to a very limited extent.
In this case the mutations made by him with regard to the non-stock articles still have to be processed in the webshop database.
The recorded mutations in the history are a good control opportunity to ensure consistency in both databases.

This would not help you identify inventory items that should not have been added. The History file will tell you only that an inventory item was created, not what it was. You would need to view the action to see what was actually done.

@ries I think the best way to handle this would be simply one more filter in top-right corner where you can get changes to specific types only.

For example, you could get list of changes done by user XYZ on Non-inventory items. Perhaps then being able to bulk-undo.

What are you referring to as “the webshop database?”

History shows me below (among other info on that line):
" Niet-voorraadartikel — DRK - Blikje Coca Cola Light / zero "
Which satisfies my needs. Because now I can see which non-inventory item was changed, added or deleted, by whom and when.

Indeed, that would be very helpful in my case. But maybe others have other needs. That’s why I thought of a more generic solution. (Which means more work, that’s true).

It is a separate database used in a webshop module. Maybe I should have better referred to “a” database in stead of “the” database.

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Can you illustrate this with a screen shot, please? I see only action information, not any identification of specific inventory items.

Below is what I see after clicking on [History]. Please note that this is a non-inventory item.

It would have helped if you had used terminology from the program from the beginning. When you originally wrote, “… recently added non-stock items,” I interpreted that to mean that your client had added inventory items that were non in stock. So I only tested with inventory items.

Now that you have clarified this, the need seems even smaller. Rather than copy something to a clipboard, paste into a spreadsheet, copy and paste some other list from some other database, and compare, why not just look in the History file? The actions are plainly listed. There is no question what was added. It is clearly labeled with Create.

Sorry, for any inconvenience. Did use a translation program in this case.

Well, in this case it means I have to go through 290 pages with 50 line-items, therefore my request to make copy to clipboard possible again.

The solution Lubos has in mind is even better in my case.

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I don’t know why it isn’t possible to copy what’s already on the screen.

At the risk of sounding ignorant but this appears to be a trivial issue.

It is possible, you are quite right.
But for me it means I have to go through 290 pages. And I don’t see the possibility to extend the listing so I can copy all the items in the History listing at once.
Therefore, my request to revive [Copy to clipboard].

@ries, let’s go back to your original need. As I understand it, you want a spreadsheet with a list of all non-inventory items so you can compare that to some other database. But that information is buried in 290 pages of other actions in the History file. That is like copying the universe to find out some small detail about planet Earth.

So why not just look at the list of non-inventory items under Settings. You can copy that list to the clipboard, with the advantage of also having much more information than shown in the History file. Now you only have to deal with the much smaller list of non-inventory items.

More to the point, if one is questionable, you can View it directly and look at its exclusive History file. You will know immediately if your owner/client was the user who added the item. You would not have to copy or paste anything. That is much easier than whatever else you might do to compare with another database that isn’t even in Manager.

My need is a listing of non-inventory items which are deleted, changed or added by a user. And this info is in the History listing. In order to retrieve this info a [Copy to clipboard] function off all items in the History listing would be nice. That’s all.

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