With Manager versions v20.7.30 - V20.8.66 “Cash” transactions were handled in an identical manner to invoice transactions.
With Manager versions prior about v20.7.30 after v20.8.67 cash transactions depend on if the line item is a credit or debit but invoice transactions depend on if the invoice is a sale or purchase invoice.
The effect of which is summarized below
Invoice transaction behavior
Manager versions | All existing | Proposed |
Tax codes | Both sale & purchase | Only sale or purchase |
Sale purchase assignment | Sale invoices are sales, Purchase invoices are purchases | Dependent on tax code type |
Sales Invoice | line items all sales | Line items with Sales Tax code are sales. Line items with purchase tax code are a purchase counter trade |
Purchase invoice | line items all purchases | Line items with Purchase Tax code are Purchases. Line items with sales tax code are a sales counter trade. |
How counter trade is entered | Requires 2 documents Enter other party as supplier and customer. Enter purchase & sale invoice | Enter sale component with sales tax codes, purchase component with purchase tax codes |
How negative amount line item is entered | Direct entry on a line of appropriate invoice type | Direct entry on a line of appropriate tax code type |
Cash transaction behavior
Property | Prior about v20.7.30 after v20.8.67 | About v20.7.30 - V20.8.66 | Proposed |
Tax codes | Both sale & purchase | Both sale & purchase | Only sale or purchase |
Sale purchase assignment | Credits are sales, debits are purchases | Receipts are sales, payments are purchases | Dependent on tax code type |
Cash Sales | Credit line items on receipt or purchase | line item on a receipt | Line items with Sales Tax code are sales. Line items with purchase tax code are a purchase counter trade |
Cash Purchase | Debit line items on receipt or purchase | line items on a payment | Line items with Purchase Tax code are Purchases. Line items with sales tax code are a sales counter trade. |
How counter trade is entered | Enter counter sale a credit or counter purchase as a debit | Requires 2 documents Enter purchase as a payment & sale as a receipt | Enter sale component with sales tax codes, purchase component with purchase tax codes |
How negative amount sale or purchase line item item is entered | No user method, requires created contra tax codes & editing report transformation | Direct entry on a line of appropriate payment or receipt | Direct entry on a line of appropriate tax code type |
With the proposed use of different tax codes for sales and purchases there will be more tax codes, but not double as only those needed for a jurisdictions reports will be created. Manager user interface can be optimized to facilitate the most likely tax code selection. As a result tax code menus will not be twice as long.
The most likely tax codes (sale or purchase) can be put at the top of the menus and the other type put in a sub menu at the bottom. Alternatively an invoice (or payment/receipt) could have an option to open a counter trade section where the alternative tax codes could be selected.