Goods return (Cash sale/purchase) causes Gross Sales error

I made the assumption Manager was an accounting program and would take program errors which result in false accounting records as a serious issue which would be addressed with an appropriate priority.

I did not make the assumption Manager was bug free. All programs contain bugs. Coding and program design bugs increase as program complexity and development rate increase. Manager is a complex rapidly developing program, as such a high frequency of bug discovery is to be expected.

As to details of the specific examples, all contain negative line items in which Manager’s error is to swap between customer and supplier. In the case of the deposit an identical tax code must be applied to the required tax code used when the deposit was accepted. The actual tax code applicable varies with jurisdiction but in all jurisdiction it is an negative valued purchase line item not swapped to a positive valued sale line item. It is processed correctly in Manager if an invoice is entered first in Manager and incorrectly if entered directly in Manager via the “Receipts & Payment” tab (without an invoice).