Auto Email Recurring Invoice

@lubos batch emailing would be enough for us if we can automate it with e.g. Python scripting of the API to trigger instantiation and sending out of recurring invoices automatically for all our customers (members) when they are due (monthly), i.e. exactly what you said Manager wouldn’t do on its own.

For us, consent is given when the recurring invoice is created, and an invoice can easily be cancelled if it’s wrong, so we’d rather optimise to automatically do what is right 99.9% of the time, even if it means that we have to build something ourselves.

Please see my comments in another thread, for why this feature is so important to us.

So, would you be willing to add these features to the API (I can’t see any way to access recurring invoices for example) so that we can build it ourselves? Thanks in advance for considering this request. :slight_smile: