Exchange Rates / Paypal Multi Currency / General Currency Conversion

A currency conversion event happens in Paypal every single time you:

a) withdraw USD to your AUD bank account.
b) make a Paypal payment in USD using Paypal AUD funds.
c) make a Paypal payment in USD using Bank Account AUD funds.

These are daily (often multiple times a day) events in both accounts.

So for example, when I import my Paypal USD account into Manager it might show a transfer out of $USD100. And my AUD bank account statement will show a corresponding transfer in of $AUD140.

So it sounds like I’m going to need to either manually add a currency conversion rate for every single day of the year. Or manually create an inter account transfer for each event and delete the stuff coming in from my import.

Would be great to just be able to import a csv of daily currency conversion rates for the year :slight_smile: