Custom Report - date fields

I am trying to create a simple report for this years club members by invoices issued for club membership. I can get my club member names and issue date for the invoices, but my report creates a list of members going back years as I seem to be only able to search issue date (ascending or descending) meaning it searches invoices ever issued. Is there a way to search from a certain date or between dates. I am obviously doing something wrong. How would I generate such a report?

Use a filter:

It appears I cannot actually pull item data that I want to report on, e.g. how many memberships were sold.

Post a screen shot of your report definition. Also, understand that a piece of information like “how many memberships were sold” is not something stored by Manager. The closest you will come is the quantity associated with individual ledger transactions, in other words, line items. Custom reports do not process data or make calculations. They query a database.