Bulk bank transaction upload and link it to invoice or purchase or expense

I have one query that,
when i upload .csv file for bank transaction, i get all entries as expected.
Currently in invoice view option i i wish to receive money I need to manually enter New bank transfection or New cash transaction,

So if we have option to link transaction from bank statement to specific sale/purchase invoice , then it will be very help full for bulk update.


With Bank Rules you have the option to link an uploaded transaction to a specific Customer / Supplier but not to specific sale / purchase invoice.


@Rajesh_kumar, bank rules are for transactions with repeating characteristics. It makes sense to set one up to recognize a customer or supplier and apply the transaction to their subaccount. But it would not make sense to set up a bank rule for individual invoices, because those won’t be repeated and anything categorized by the rule would require editing.

However, Manager will automatically apply payments or receipts to the supplier’s or customer’s account, oldest due date first. Or, before completing the bulk update, you can edit individual transactions if the automatic allocation is not suitable for some reason.

I have alocated transection by bank rule
but if i check in reports supplier / customer transection statement, it does’t seems in.
what can i do …?

You have not given enough information to answer your question. First, make sure the statement is set up correctly to cover the date range of the transactions. See Manager Cloud and Manager Cloud.

If that doesn’t solve your problem, you need to post screen shots showing the bank transactions, the relevant bank rules, the edit page for the statement that doesn’t show what you think it should, and the view of the resulting statement.