Assigning deadlines prompt to sales order

I will be grateful if there will be a way of assigning a prompt deadline option to sales order in order to meet customers need like deadlines option are given to sales invoice to know which is overdue or to know the number of days left

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You can add a custom field for this. Set it to show as a column, but not on printed documents. Then, look in the Sales Order tab to see what is upcoming. If desired, sort the tab listing by the prompt date.

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@Tut this is a good idea but deadline prompt is a necessity for Sales order management.

An additional column Can be added to show the following status with colour codes:

Green-Not due
Amber-Almost Due (3 days to due date)
Red-Past Due

adding a deadline date is okay but how will the status work for different business? this is something which cannot be generalised.
for example, the almost due status (3 days) might be useful for a baker but the same would have no significance to a heavy equipment manufacturer because their manufacturing process might have a timespan of 10 days. sales order reminders are not as simple as payment due reminders because it varies with every business.

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@sharpdrivetek I agree. Some organization may even need to have that in hours and some in months.

Almost Due settings could be added in general settings or entered for every Order.

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