Added withholding tax support for purchase invoices

In my opinion Manager would benefit from

  • Making multi component tax codes a set of ordinary tax codes

  • Allowing multi component tax codes at the invoice as well as line item level

  • adding a “Calculation stage” to tax codes to enable specification of before vs after other taxes. Stage 1 based on the price before any taxes (Stage 0 price). Stage 2 based on after Stage 1 taxes etc.

Doing so would enable Report transformations and later electronic reporting in jurisdictions where multiple tax authorities levy taxes (as they would be based on the single component tax codes). This would allow users to construct multi component tax codes to optimise their individual use case independent of detailed tax codes and reporting tools.

However this maybe too big a change for Manager.

It maybe sensible to have a big picture overview, focussing on

  • What exactly needs to be reported to the tax authority and when.
  • Range of invoice types do users in Italy will typically use
  • How this could be supported in the short term
  • Is the short term solution achievable for less skilled users? If not how could the workflow be simplified in the long term.

In summary, do you think the changes suggested will work in the long term for less educated users given Italy’s reporting requirements?

Added tax code stage