Add a company button problem

“voeg een bedrijf toe” knop doet het niet in versie 19.1.18
ik kan helaas geen bedrijf toevoegen. is dit probleem bekend bij jullie?

Google Translate from Dutch:

I just tested in 19.1.18 Server Edition, and it’s working fine for me.


You may need to provide more information about the problem. Are any error messages displayed?

ik heb 19.1.18 desktop versie. uitrol menu krijg ik niet

The forum is English only.

I have 19.1.18 desktop version. rollout menu I do not get

What web browser are you using?

Are you using a touchscreen with your finger? Or are you using a mouse to click?

google chrome and mouse

Sometimes using touch on a dropdown menu won’t work if it’s expecting mouse behaviour. But since you said you’re using a mouse, that doesn’t apply here.

Only thing I can think of is to suggest you re-start your machine and try again. If that doesn’t work, try re-installing Manager and try again.

You should not be using a browser to access the desktop edition.

I have spoken by Phone to Iwan. He told me the system fall dead after he had clicked on the button Adding Company. No movement at all

i’m not using a browser. only for the download.
but problem solved. i opened a new window and then teh button works.
Thank you all.