Adding pictures & attachments to Fixed Assets

Following the recent update (added ability to attach image to customers, suppliers and employees), is it possible to consider adding images and attach files to fixed assets?
Just to mention that the Depreciation Entries include these capabilities, but in my opinion, it would be more benefecial to have them for the respective assets.

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You can use a Text Custom Field and insert HTML image tag.

Yeah, but the new capability is much better (text custom field can used only for links - no ability to attach pictures or files)

@Evans, you can add the picture to the asset payment. Read the guides where in essence the payment is proof the asset exists and only then recorded as acquired. If you click on the assets tab, you can click on the blue Acquisition cost amount, which gives you the payment link.

The purpose is to see its picture in Fixed Assets screen - it is the same like inventories; it is irrelevant whether we have made the respective payment or not.

Added to the latest to the latest version (23.3.15)