Turn on/off "Qty to receive" and "Qty to deliver" per inventory item

If you are using Delivery Notes or Goods Receipts tabs, Manager would create new columns under your Inventory Items tab called Qty to receive and Qty to deliver.


The purpose of these columns is to track movement of goods between your business, customers or supplier.

Unfortunately, enabling these tabs would mean now you have to record Delivery Notes and Goods Receipts for all inventory items when received from suppliers or shipped to customers. No exceptions otherwise Qty to receive or Qty to deliver would continue increasing indefinitely.

If you want to use Delivery Notes to generate documents for customers but not necessarily track qty to be delivered you can’t.

Or if you have many inventory items and want to track qty to be delivered for a few of them. Not all. You can’t.

Another issue was that merely enabling a tab would change your inventory qty on hand figures which would come as a surprise to many users.

The latest version (21.4.59) is fixing all these issues by simply allowing to decide for which inventory items to track Qty to receive and/or Qty to deliver. This is served by two new checkboxes on inventory item form.


These checkboxes are only visible when Delivery Notes or/and Goods Receipts tabs are enabled.